
best bespoke in bangkok

No matter how many events you have coming up or daily professional work fits you have, suits are always a necessity and staple to your wardrobe. Showing up presentable and ready for the day is essential which leads to the importance of suit after-care. You may not be aware of the steps necessary to take care of your suit but without these steps, your tailored suit will not uphold the constant love that you put into it. Make sure your suit is treated properly and maintained looking sharp every time!

The best shop in Bangkok, Class Bespoke, got your back! In hopes of making sure that you can sustain the quality of your custom-tailored suits, follow these tips and tricks to make the most of your suit!

Proper Storage

Storing your suits correctly is fundamental to their maintenance:

  • Use Quality Hangers: Always hang your suits on wide, wooden, or padded hangers to maintain the shape of the shoulders and prevent the fabric from stretching.
  • Garment Bags: Store your suits in breathable garment bags to protect them from dust and moths while allowing air circulation.
  • Adequate Space: Ensure there’s enough space in your closet for the suits to hang freely without being squashed, which can cause creases and distortions.

When you are done with your day, you should never toss your suit to the side to deal with later. The first step is to leave it in a good position for future use. Class Bespoke suits are made with precision leading to the necessary care to ensure that they remain clean and sharp for your next use. This tailor shop in Sukhumvit advises you to make the most of your suit and to do so, it requires habits of storing it in the best conditions.

Regular Brushing

Dust and dirt can settle on your suit, dulling its appearance over time:

  • Clothing Brush: Use a soft clothing brush to remove dirt, dust, and lint. Brush in a downward motion to preserve the fabric’s integrity and keep it looking fresh.

Sometimes you may not even be aware of the dust and dirt that has accumulated on your suit and may ignore the need to clean it. However, after a few wears, it may be time for you to pull out the brush and lightly brush it out. This doesn’t require too much effort, so don’t worry, taking care of your suit is a simple process which you won’t regret in the future. The best shop in Bangkok recommends that the best way to get rid of minimal mess-ups that end up building up is simply by brushing.

Steam Away

Wrinkles can ruin the look of a suit, but ironing can sometimes damage delicate fabrics:

  • Steam, don’t iron: Use a garment steamer to remove wrinkles gently. If you must iron, use a pressing cloth and set the iron to the appropriate fabric setting to avoid scorching the material.

Depending on the fabric that you choose, there can be wrinkles on your suit. If so, having a steamer can fix your issues instantly. However, if you would prefer to avoid these issues altogether, ask the tailors at Class Bespoke for recommendations. With the variety of fabrics and bespoke garments that are available, your tailor can help you find the best style for your preferences. The Class Bespoke tailors are very open to help support you through this process.


Wearing the same suit every day can lead to wear and tear:

  • Rotate Suits: Avoid wearing the same suit multiple days in a row. Give your suits at least 24 hours to rest between wears, allowing the fabric to recover and retain its shape.

Although this may seem obvious, it’s a good reminder to give your suits a break. Just like your social battery, your suit needs a breather as well. This may also be a chance for you to take a look at the other types of tailored suits that Class Bespoke offers. From the fabric selection to your final fitting, there are endless options that you can choose from and discover. Play around with the choices and create an infinite amount of styles! There truly are tons of choices to choose from in Class Bespoke, a great tailor shop in Bangkok, as there are many experienced tailors in Sukhumvit.

best bespoke in bangkok

Professional Cleaning

While it’s important to keep your suit clean, over-cleaning can be damaging:

  • Dry Cleaning: Only dry clean your suit when necessary, as frequent cleaning can wear out the fabric. Spot clean minor stains when possible to extend the time between professional cleanings.
  • Trusted Cleaner: Choose a reputable dry cleaner experienced in handling high-quality suits to ensure your garments are treated with care.

Sometimes, it’s best to sit back and relax. In these cases, you can easily find a reputable dry cleaner and have them help you with professional cleaning. Tailor made suits deserve the utmost care and if you prefer to leave the cleaning to the professionals, this is a great option! If you search “tailors near me”, you are also bound to find some great cleaning professionals nearby. Additionally, there are so many tailor shops in Bangkok which makes it very easy to find a cleaning service.

Handling Stains

Accidents happen, and dealing with stains promptly can prevent permanent damage:

  • Immediate Attention: Blot, don’t rub, any spills immediately with a clean cloth to absorb the liquid. For more stubborn stains, consult a professional cleaner rather than attempting to remove them yourself.

Avoid Overloading Pockets

Heavy pockets can stretch and distort the fabric:

  • Minimize Pocket Use: Avoid overloading suit pockets. Use a briefcase or a bag for carrying essentials to maintain the suit’s shape and structure.

Everyone loves using their pockets; however, using the pockets from your suit is not always the way to go. Whether it is a normal suit or a tailored suit, the pockets are not often used to carry and are more for style. This does not mean you should refrain from using them but it may be beneficial to avoid heavy objects as it can lead to tearing. Class Bespoke, the best shop in Bangkok, pays attention to every seam and detail in your custom-tailored suit so your suit is made perfect and comfortable for you. Avoid overusing the pockets for a sharp and slick look every time!

Care for the Lining

Properly caring for the lining helps maintain the overall condition of your suit:

  • Let It Breathe: After wearing, remove your suit jacket and let it hang in a well-ventilated area to air out and prevent odor buildup.

Being aware about the environment your suit is in is another essential step that is often overlooked. Although the fabric of your suit may not be intensely harmed, it will most definitely cause a buildup in smell, creating an unpleasant odor for when you wear it next. The work of the best shop in Bangkok should be preserved and without taking care of the lining will harm your bespoke garment in the long run.

Seasonal Care

Proper storage during off-seasons can prolong the life of your suit:

  • Off-Season Storage: If you are planning to store your suit for a season, make sure it’s clean, place it in a breathable garment bag, and add a moth-repellent (such as cedar wood) to the storage area to protect against pests.

Minor Repairs

Regular maintenance can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems:

  • Buttons and Threads: Regularly check for loose buttons or threads and repair them promptly to prevent further damage. Keeping a sewing kit handy can help you address these minor repairs quickly.

Class Bespoke aims to create a clean design and tailored suit for you; however, if proper care isn’t provided to your suit, there will be problems that occur. This leads to the significance of repairing any issues that you may notice at the moment. This tailor shop in Bangkok can also help with any minor repairs that you may need.

Suit Bag for Travel

best bespoke in bangkok

Travelling with a suit requires extra care to maintain its condition:

  • Travel Smart: Use a proper suit bag when travelling to minimize wrinkles and protect the suit during transit. Hang the suit as soon as you arrive to let any creases fall out naturally.

By following these essential aftercare tips, you can keep your tailored suits in excellent condition, ensuring they remain a staple in your wardrobe for many years.

Class Bespoke is arguably one of the best tailor shops in Bangkok and offers a variety of tailored suits that are made perfect for you. Quality suits require quality care so make sure you take care of your suits and prepare them for your next wear!


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